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Blog review 2020

Best posts on innovation, entrepreneurship, strategy, quality, and experimentation.

Bruno Pešec
Bruno Pešec
4 min read
Blog review 2020

Sometime during March this year I moved my website and blog to Ghost platform, as I wanted to focus more on writing, and less on tweaking the website.

I started blogging in 2016, primarily as a way to improve my writing. Since then I've published 185 blog posts, and 126—nearly 70%—were written this year.

My schedule is simple: every Tuesday I publish the weekly Bruno Unfiltered™ newsletter, and every Monday and Thursday I publish a blog post. There was no special logic behind these specific days, except that I wanted to begin with three days.

Now I'm thinking about publishing five days a week!

Looking back, it's fun to compare posts that I like the most with those that received the most views.

Top 5 posts in 2020—based on number of views

#1 Step-by-step guide for designing Lean Experiments

Step-by-step guide for designing Lean Experiments
Designing sound experiments is critical to creating valid and reusable knowledge. This guide will help you achieve that.

I'm happy to see that my detailed and practical guide for designing, conducting, and learning from lean experiments is also the top viewed post. Please continue to share it.

#2 Quality Philosophers

Quality Philosophers
Deming, Juran, Ishikawa, and Crosby changed the world of quality management forever. These are their most significant contributions.

This was a surprising one! Originally, it was a chapter in my 2012 specialisation project in quality and production engineering, which I then took our, updated, and published in 2016. My guess is that most views are from students.

#3 200 Pitches at the African Innovation Week 2020

200 Pitches at the African Innovation Week 2020
Practical advice to start-up founders for improving their pitch.

Another surprise. I was one of the judges at the African Innovation Week 2020. Since I noticed that most of the founders suffered from similar issues, I penned out a short piece on what can they do to improve.

#4 Visual tools for experimentation and innovation accounting

Visual tools for experimentation and innovation accounting
Three proven tools for visual overview of experiments, understanding progress, and innovation accounting.

I guess people like reading about the tools.

#5 Lean Startup at Miles Camp

Lean Startup at Miles Camp
Deep dive into advanced Lean Startup topics.

Another post from the past with high visit count. In 2017 I did a workshop on advanced Lean Startup topics at the Miles Camp. A lot of visitors download the presentation, and I hope they use it fairly.

Top 5 posts in 2020—my personal favourites

#1 Doing and managing innovation

Doing and managing innovation
What is the difference between doing and managing innovation, and why should you care?

I assert that understanding the difference between doing and managing innovation is critical for the success of corporate innovation.

#2 A slice at a time

A slice at a time
Breakthrough innovation happens more often within a culture that fosters everyday innovation.

Big bang transformations are a waste of time, effort, and money. Appropriate change is one of the key elements of Profitable Innovation™.

#3 Create the future

Create the future
The old adage offence is best defence might be true to some extent, but is too black and white for my taste.

In this post I introduce two equally important stances towards corporate innovation: one of aggressively creating the future you desire, and one of using it as insurance against future disruption.

#4 Strike first, throw second

Strike first, throw second
Right sequence + thoughtful action = fearless innovation.

Right sequence coupled with thoughtful action is a great way to innovate fearlessly.

#5 Seven innovation strategy caveats

Seven innovation strategy caveats
Take heed of each caveat and you will be ahead of the majority of your competitors.

To the point coverage of most common challenges with your innovation strategy.

What will I write about in 2021?

Subscribe to the weekly Bruno Unfiltered™ newsletter and find out!


Bruno Pešec

I help business leaders innovate profitably at scale.


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