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Bruno Pešec

I help business leaders innovate profitably at scale.

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Jolty lines

Embrace the squiggle.

Bruno Unfiltered
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Multi-million flukes

One club you should most certainly not aspire to join.

Multi-million flukes
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Better data, better strategy

Small changes, big differences.

Better data, better strategy
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Not as easy as it seems.

Bruno Unfiltered
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Forty-two puzzle pieces

Our podcast is now one year old! 🥳

Forty-two puzzle pieces
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No thinking, no learning

A short-term shortcut.

No thinking, no learning
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Time for assiduity

Neither too late, nor too early, but just right.

Bruno Unfiltered
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Rediscovering what was once known

Is there truly nothing new under the sun?

Rediscovering what was once known
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Today and tomorrow

Seeing through generations.

Today and tomorrow
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"You might not like it, but this is how peak performance looks like."

Bruno Unfiltered