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Toyota Production System still going strong

At any given moment there are at least hundred things you can improve, but no one except you can do it.

Toyota Production System still going strong
Members Public

Better banking—everyday in everyway

Banks that are excelling at continuous improvement also have much higher chance of succeeding with innovation.

Better banking—everyday in everyway
Members Public

With eyes wide open

How can you use visualisations to ask better questions?

With eyes wide open
Members Public

Lessons from Shigeo and Ritsuo Shingo

What have I learnt from Shigeo and Ritsuo Shingo?

Lessons from Shigeo and Ritsuo Shingo
Members Public

The Lean Presentation

Collection of my posts from The Lean Presentation.

The Lean Presentation
Members Public

Lean Six Sigma: deployment

How can Lean Six Sigma projects be deployed for maximum effect?

Lean Six Sigma: deployment
Members Public

Lean Six Sigma: in-depth comparison

In-depth comparison of Lean and Six Sigma across thirty one elements.

Lean Six Sigma: in-depth comparison
Members Public

Lean Six Sigma: origin

Is Lean Six Sigma a legitimate methodology or a consultant's trickery?

Lean Six Sigma: origin
Members Public

Lean Thinking: critique

Is lean thinking a copy of the Toyota Way or a standalone philosophy built upon two powerful paradigms of the past?

Lean Thinking: critique
Members Public

Lean Thinking: assessing leanness

How can we measure process cycle efficiency, overall equipment effectiveness, and organisational leanness?

Lean Thinking: assessing leanness