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Cognitive Bias

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Don't be a gatekeeper

Offer genuine help.

Don't be a gatekeeper
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Agile occultism

Pity the wood.

Agile occultism
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You are incompetent

Spoiler: that's not an insult. (Except when it is.)

You are incompetent
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The price of ambiguity

Embrace uncertainty, purge ambiguity.

The price of ambiguity
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Beginner's Mind

Overcome reality distortion field and curse of knowledge by assuming the beginner's mind.

Beginner's Mind
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Improve your thinking to avert bad decisions

Four simple steps for improving your decision making skills.

Improve your thinking to avert bad decisions
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Learning or collecting?

On bibliomania, collector's fallacy, and tsundoku.

Learning or collecting?
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Adjusting to illusions

Are you steadying a steady boat?

Adjusting to illusions
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Avoid stupid decisions: most common cognitive biases and logical fallacies

How can you improve your decision making skills? Webinar recording on exactly that topic.

Avoid stupid decisions: most common cognitive biases and logical fallacies
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24 most common cognitive biases

School of Thought did an amazing job describing some of the most common cognitive biases in plain English. Study them and improve your decisions.

24 most common cognitive biases