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Lean Startup

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Quickstart: Lean Startup

Practical guidance for busy professionals.

Quickstart: Lean Startup
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Courage vs stupidity

It's a thin line.

Courage vs stupidity
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On learning from mistakes

A conversation with Mark Graban of the My Favorite Mistake podcast.

On learning from mistakes
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Playing in London

Become a better innovator by playing a game!

Playing in London
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How to include the customer in the innovation process

Understand, understand, understand!

How to include the customer in the innovation process
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Lean Experiment Canvas

A visual tool to guide your lean experimentation.

Lean Experiment Canvas
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Improving the impact of remote Playing Lean workshops through action inquiry and critical reflexivity

A detailed view of one complete action research cycle with simultaneous first-person research and second-person co-inquiry.

Academic paper printed and placed on top of Playing Lean board game
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On how corporate innovators can manage innovation

A conversation with Étienne Garbugli of The Lean B2B Podcast.

On how corporate innovators can manage innovation
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B2B Innovation

Advice from the trenches.

B2B Innovation
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On Playing Lean, customer development, and lean startup

A conversation with Mal McCallion of the Growth Execution Podcast.

On Playing Lean, customer development, and lean startup