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Playing in London

Become a better innovator by playing a game!

Bruno Pešec
Bruno Pešec
1 min read
Playing in London

Using serious games is great for teaching new skills. They are more interactive than reading a book, and safer than burning through money and reputation by failing hard in reality. Playing Lean is a field-proven, award winning board game for teaching innovation and entrepreneurship skills. It would make for a fine addition to your innovation coaching toolbox.

This December I'll be conducting both Playing Lean Workshop (for those who want to improve their innovation skills) and Playing Lean Facilitator Training (for those who want to help others improve their innovation skills) in London.

Find more information about both below.

Playing Lean Workshop

London, UK, December 15th, 2023


Playing Lean Facilitator Training

London, UK, December 16th, 2023


Write to me for any questions!

WorkshopPlaying LeanLean StartupInnovationEntrepreneurship

Bruno Pešec

I help business leaders innovate profitably at scale.


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