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Prophet or creator?

Own your success.

Bruno Pešec
Bruno Pešec
2 min read
Prophet or creator?

Just because you cannot foretell the future does not mean you cannot create it.

Learn from the past, imagine the future, and take action in the present.

Upcoming growth opportunities with Bruno

September 23: 20 Common Misconceptions About Corporate Innovation

Join me as I debunk 20 common misconceptions about corporate innovation; all from my personal experience as an innovator and consultant. Not for those of feint heart. Register here.

September 28: Organisational Culture DNABuilding foundations for success

In this webinar, Parag Gogate will share a holistic sensemaking framework of organisational culture, drawing on years of research and influenced by various disciplines such as organisational behaviour, anthropology, systems and complexity. Reserve your spot here.

90-day coaching in Innovation Management

I’ll share best practices and help you craft, implement, and improve your innovation strategies and systems, with a weekly call and unrestricted email. This is not a regular offering of mine, it’s intended to help leaders like you thrive during these disruptive times. I have limited slots available, write me at to secure yours.

Three latest posts

Is your strategy a slave to your business model?
Pick the right tools for the right job
White Paper: How can organisations innovate profitably?
Aligning execution, governance, and change.
Lift the veil
Mystification is overrated.

Bruno Unfiltered is a weekly newsletter bringing you Bruno's latest thoughts on contemporary topics in his signature style. No one and nothing is spared.


Bruno Pešec

I help business leaders innovate profitably at scale.


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