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Test one idea per week... At minimum.

Bruno Pešec
Bruno Pešec
2 min read

When was the last time you eliminated an idea due to the evidence you've gathered?

Corporate innovation is all about creating new value streams—which most often translate into revenue streams—by rapidly testing many different ideas over a prolonged period of time.

Aspire to test at least one idea every week. The results will follow.

Upcoming growth opportunities with Bruno

October 19–21: Playing Lean & Business Modelling Facilitator Training

Unique opportunity to become both a Playing Lean and Business Modelling Facilitator in a single workshop. Spread out over three evenings so you don't lose precious client time. Early bird discount available until October 4th.

October 25–27: 7th European Lean Educator Conference

I'll be giving a talk on taking physical experiences online, and a special version of Playing Lean workshop targeted at those who work at universities and other education institutions. Find conference details here.

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Bruno Unfiltered is a weekly newsletter bringing you Bruno's latest thoughts on contemporary topics in his signature style. No one and nothing is spared.


Bruno Pešec

I help business leaders innovate profitably at scale.


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