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Pick up the damn book

You won't believe what happens next...

Bruno Pešec
Bruno Pešec
2 min read
Pick up the damn book

Yes, you!

I'm confident you have an unfinished business book on your to-do list, and somehow it never gets your attention.

You might even feel guilty because you really want to read it, but can't find enough time for it.Well, here's the trick to get you started.

Grab it right now—right this moment.

Put it in front of you, and write down on a piece of paper what you hope to get out if it. Why did you want to read it?

Great, now read the flaps, table of contents, and introduction. Mark anything that's relevant and/or interesting to you.

Nothing marked? Great, you are done with this book.

Something marked? Great, spend 10 minutes reading. Schedule 10 minutes for tomorrow, and continue reading then.

Take notes as you go.

Upcoming growth opportunities with Bruno

September 23: 20 Common Misconceptions About Corporate Innovation

Join me as I debunk 20 common misconceptions about corporate innovation; all from my personal experience as an innovator and consultant. Not for those of feint heart. Register here.

September 28: Organisational Culture DNABuilding foundations for success

In this webinar, Parag Gogate will share a holistic sensemaking framework of organisational culture, drawing on years of research and influenced by various disciplines such as organisational behaviour, anthropology, systems and complexity. Reserve your spot here.

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Bruno Pešec

I help business leaders innovate profitably at scale.


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