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Innovate with what you have

Spend ideas, not money.

Bruno Pešec
Bruno Pešec
1 min read
Innovate with what you have

Using existing product, services, and capabilities is fast and cheap way to create new value propositions.

How can somebody know that you have a good product if they don't understand you?

There is much to be experimented with in the domain of framing, wording, and packaging, something Matthew Fenton and I call conversion gap.

We've developed two tools that will help you identify and exploit such opportunities in your organisation:

How to uncover growth opportunities hidden in plain sight
At any given moment there are at least hundred growth opportunities in your organisation.
Demystifying strategic growth
Learn how to identify growth possibilities and strategic choices to exploit them.

Remember that corporate innovation is a numbers game—spend ideas, not money!


Bruno Pešec

I help business leaders innovate profitably at scale.


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