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Demystifying strategic growth

Learn how to identify growth possibilities and strategic choices to exploit them.

Bruno Pešec
Bruno Pešec
1 min read
Demystifying strategic growth

Is all growth good? Should all options be pursued?

How to identify viable growth opportunities in your organisation?

And once you do, what to do with them?

I firmly believe that only strategic growth is worth pursuing.

And by "strategic" growth I mean business growth that is:

  • meaningful,
  • aligned,
  • focused, and
  • profitable.

Even seasoned veterans tend to forget that innovation—introducing new products, services, and business models—and branding—narrative that follows them—are the two most potent levers for strategic growth.

Based on our experience helping executives grow their businesses, Matthew Fenton and I have developed two tools to help you identify growth possibilities and strategic choices to exploit them:

  1. The Strategy Gap, a nearly infinite source of growth ideas.
  2. The Four Growth Arenas, a two-by-two matrix to help you decide on how to exploit the opportunity at hand.

In this webinar I introduce both tools, and how to use them in order to identify options for strategic growth in your own organisations.

You can find recording, presentation, timestamps, and license information below.


If you have any questions or would like to discuss any topic from the webinar, you can schedule a call with me by clicking the button below:

Webinar recording

Download the presentation here.

Webinar timestamps

Time Topic
01:05 Seeing differently.
05:54 Strategic growth.
07:36 Opportunities and possibilities.
10:32 Seeing opportunities: The Strategy Gap.
14:51 Seeing opportunities: Gap analysis.
21:51 Seeing possibilities: The Four Growth Arenas.
25:14 Growth Arena: Indomitable Core.
27:28 Growth Arena: New Product Line.
28:48 Growth Arena: New Category.
31:30 Growth Arena: New Venture.
33:08 From opportunities to possibilities.
36:00 Succeed or perish.
40:21 Strategic growth summarised.


Copyright © 2021, Bruno Pešec. All rights reserved.


Bruno Pešec

I help business leaders innovate profitably at scale.


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