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Face the odds together.

Bruno Pešec
Bruno Pešec
2 min read

When things go really sideways, you should huddle, not scatter. Even if you don't know what to do, you are more likely to come up with some good responses as a group, than as an individual. Except if you are in a plane accident. Then follow the instructions and get your oxygen first.

Upcoming growth opportunities with Bruno

November 26th: Fearless Innovation

Fearless Innovation Workshop

We rarely fail due to others. In fact, most innovations fail due to shortcomings in our own processes, beliefs, and actions. Competition simply picks up the advantage.

Good news is that overcoming these shortcomings means taking a significant step towards owning your success. And that is why I’m organising this unique workshop. Limited seats available.

Three latest posts

Harmful templates
Don’t cut yourself on the nice looking template.
Spend ideas, not money
Next time you catch yourself lamenting that you need a bigger budget, embrace the constraint and reframe your issue.
You are incompetent
Spoiler: that’s not an insult. (Except when it is.)

Bruno Unfiltered is a weekly newsletter bringing you Bruno's latest thoughts on contemporary topics in his signature style. No one and nothing is spared.


Bruno Pešec

I help business leaders innovate profitably at scale.


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