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Train your senses.

Bruno Pešec
Bruno Pešec
2 min read
Bruno Unfiltered

Miyamoto Musashi, a legendary sword-master, advised us to practice one eye to see far, and the other to see close. This way, one can be aware of all. The same applies to successful corporate innovation—one must practice seeing opportunities available right here, right now as well as those rolling around the corner.

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November 26: Playing Lean Facilitator Training London

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Three latest posts

The secret to great customer experience
Don’t piss off the customer.
Indomitable intent
Trials and tribulations of corporate innovators.
Eternal crusade
Ad infinitum.

Bruno Unfiltered is a weekly newsletter bringing you Bruno's latest thoughts on contemporary topics in his signature style. No one and nothing is spared.


Bruno Pešec

I help business leaders innovate profitably at scale.


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