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Anything goes

When anything goes, anything comes.

Bruno Pešec
Bruno Pešec
2 min read
Anything goes

Running random innovation projects, chasing the latest technology, methodology, or any other fad ending with -ology, most likely won't get you anywhere.

Winning process is deceptively simple, yet requires discipline and sacrifice that few are willing to make. Here it is:

  1. Crystallize your innovation strategy. Be brief, and include key objectives, what's in, and what's out.
  2. Assemble a portfolio of innovation initiatives that you believe will take you closer to the strategic objectives. Nurture your people, but be ruthless with your ideas.
  3. Learn from the world. Strategy informs portfolio composition, which in turn is tested in the real world. Observe and listen, adapt as necessary. Separating signal from the noise is part art, part science.

Are you willing to do the work?

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Bruno Pešec

I help business leaders innovate profitably at scale.


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