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Annoying survey designs

Please don't lie.

Bruno Pešec
Bruno Pešec
1 min read
Annoying survey designs

Poorly designed questions always tick me off. For example, if I'm asked a binary question, and then offered two answers, of which I agree with neither, but I cannot proceed without picking one, then I'll either close the survey or just answer randomly. You probably don't want that.

Another one are surveys that break a promise. If you tell me it's going to be five minutes, it's fine if it's a bit longer or shorter. But if it turns out to be twenty minutes then you've either tricked me or have a poor understanding of your own survey. Don't do that.

Third pet peeve of mine are surveys that require registration or sign-up. Come on, I just agreed to help you, and you're asking me to register an account? What is this, some sort of scheme to collect emails so you can spam me? Don't do that either.


Bruno Pešec

I help business leaders innovate profitably at scale.


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