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An invitation to learn

Join me and learn how to formulate a winning innovation strategy.

Bruno Pešec
Bruno Pešec
2 min read
An invitation to learn

If you've ever wondered about any of the following:

  • what innovation strategy actually is?
  • should you have it or not?
  • how is it different from a business strategy?
  • what is its purpose and use?
  • how to make one without reading twenty books?
  • what are critical questions you must cover?
  • how to approach it in practical terms?

then I have great news for you! Seven days from now I'll be holding a webinar on how to formulate a winning innovation strategy.

I promise it won't be a talking head snooze-fest.

Quite the contrary, you can expect to do the work, and walk away with a practical framework you can immediately apply to formulate your organisation's innovation strategy.

How's that for a promise?

You'll find registration link in the section below.

Upcoming growth opportunities with Bruno:

A lot of exciting webinars coming up:

July 21st: Corporate innovation webinar series by Bruno Pešec: How to formulate a winning innovation strategy.

July 22nd: Leading to Learn: People-centered leadership practices to foster a culture innovation and continuous learning with Katie Anderson and Bruno Pešec.

August 12th: Does culture really eat strategy for breakfast? And other musings with Cris Beswick and Bruno Pešec.

Three latest posts:

Create the future
The old adage offence is best defence might be true to some extent, but is too black and white for my taste.
The price of ambiguity
Embrace uncertainty, purge ambiguity.
What did you do once you knew?
And can you live with your answers?

Bruno Unfiltered is a weekly newsletter bringing you Bruno's latest thoughts on contemporary topics in his signature style. No one and nothing is spared.


Bruno Pešec

I help business leaders innovate profitably at scale.


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