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40 000 words on corporate innovation

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Bruno Pešec
Bruno Pešec
1 min read
40 000 words on corporate innovation

From time to time, I invite accomplished professionals to join me as guests for the Corporate innovation webinar series. We always have a great conversation, with numerous salient points.

Now, for the first time, transcripts have been added to all the webinars with guests.

It turns out that although most of our conversations are on the shorter side (less than 60 minutes), we do seem to say quite a lot—as attested by nearly 40 000 words transcribed!

To refresh your memory, and rekindle your interest, the updated webinars are:

  • Innovation manager's secrets to success with Bruno Pešec & Kristian Lindøe. A discussion from the trenches on how to get management buy-in for innovation projects, and how to lead a transformation in a large, traditional organisation.
  • How to measure corporate innovation in a large enterprise with Bruno Pešec & Dan Toma. A dive into the why & how of measuring innovation performance, principles of innovation accounting, and our favourite innovation metrics.
  • Augmented Strategy live stream with Bruno Pešec & Dominik Dellermann. We talk at length about contemporary strategic landscape and how can leaders use available data to dramatically improve speed and quality of their decision making processes.
  • B2B Innovation with Bruno Pešec & Étienne Garbugli. Coming up with new products, services, and value propositions for enterprise customers isn't the same as for the consumers. We discuss common pitfalls and what to do about them.

Questions? Feedback? Guest wishes? Reach out and let me know.


Bruno Pešec

I help business leaders innovate profitably at scale.


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