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Stay home, keep growing

My talks on product management and innovation at the "Stay home, keep growing" initiative.

Bruno Pešec
Bruno Pešec
3 min read
Stay home, keep growing

Stay home, keep growing, a joint venture by Founder Institute Norway, Young Sustainable Impact, and Le Wagon Oslo, is all about providing  free, relevant online content for entrepreneurs and startups. Of course, all events take place online.

Stay Home – Keep Growing | Oslo
Series of webinars delivering free, relavant content for startups and entrepreneurs.

I'm always happy to support community movements, and will hold following talks:

  • Avoid stupid decisions: most common cognitive biases and logical fallacies
  • Corporate innovation 101: advice for intrapreneurs and innovation managers
  • Creating reusable knowledge: how to design effective experiments

Event descriptions below. Sign-up links will be added as they come.

Avoid stupid decisions: most common cognitive biases and logical fallacies (April 7th)

Avoid stupid decisions: most common cognitive biases and logical fallacies

"This workshop was a nightmare! I'll make sure to get a different catering service next time, them being 30 minutes late has completely ruined our agenda..."

This workshop facilitator might suffer from a self-serving bias, a belief that his failures are due to external factors. Perhaps he should invest in his facilitating skills, instead of changing catering service?

Cognitive biases make our judgement irrational.

"Mary had a tuna sandwich and chews with her mouth open, therefore we should not consider her proposed feature!"

That was an example of a logical fallacy we usually call ad hominem. Just because you don't like someone's personality, does not mean their proposal or argument is automatically voided.

Logical fallacies are mistakes and flaws in reasoning.

Bad decisions are preventable. Don't let them waste your time and money.

In this talk Bruno will take us through some of the most common cognitive biases and logical fallacies.

He will also share advice on how to deal with them and how to improve your thinking.

Sign-up here.

Corporate innovation 101: advice for intrapreneurs and innovation managers (April 29th)

Corporate innovation 101: advice for intrapreneurs and innovation managers

What is the difference between doing and managing innovation?

What is intrapreneur's job?

How should you measure innovation?

How can an innovation manager make a difference?

Is corporate innovation career suicide?

Join us in this talk with Bruno, to find out his answers as well as advice on how to thrive as an intrapeneur or innovation manager.

Sign-up here.

Creating reusable knowledge: how to design effective experiments (April 30th)

Creating reusable knowledge: how to design effective experiments

If your innovation teams are not creating reusable knowledge then they are creating waste by (most likely accidentally) discarding knowledge!

"Remember, kids, the only difference between screwing around and science is writing it down!" - is an appropriate quote from Adam Savage that comes to my mind.

One of the five principles of Lean Startup is the Build - Measure - Learn loop. In order to design an effective experiment you have to start backwards! Ask yourself - what is it that you want to learn? How can you measure that? What do you need to build in order to learn that?

Innovation teams can create value in several ways, and creating reusable knowledge is one easy way to do so. Not only does it help the team in question, but also contributes to overall organisational learning which is one of the pillars of long-term competitiveness.

In this talk Bruno will take us through 10 steps for designing and learning from Lean Experiments.

Sign-up here.

You can find links to all webinars from the Stay home, keep growing movement at:

Stay Home – Keep Growing | Oslo
Series of webinars delivering free, relavant content for startups and entrepreneurs.
WebinarLogical FallacyCognitive BiasInnovationExperimentation

Bruno Pešec

I help business leaders innovate profitably at scale.


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