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On strategic growth, curiosity, and martial arts

A conversation with Sean Sullivan of the Converge Coffee podcast.

Bruno Pešec
Bruno Pešec
1 min read
On strategic growth, curiosity, and martial arts

I've had the pleasure discussing business growth with Sean Sullivan of the Converge Coffee podcast:

In this episode, Sean sits down with Bruno Pesec, corporate consultant, co-author of Augmented Strategy, and doctorate student in organizational change. They dive into why Bruno started on his consulting practice and why he branded himself instead of a company name. They go deeper into his experience on what the two important levers for strategic growth. Bruno gives some great insights on how companies grow but how leaders can foster growth. Bruno gives examples of how he helps leaders find growth opportunities in plain sight. Bruno gets deep on how he has fostered his own growth from his inquisitive mind, his parents, and his love for martial arts.

You can listen to the episode here or using the player below:

Transcript is available here.


Bruno Pešec

I help business leaders innovate profitably at scale.


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