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On data driven decisions, profitable innovation, and augmented strategy

A conversation with Michael Grace of Tech Pro Unicorn Podcast.

Bruno Pešec
Bruno Pešec
1 min read
On data driven decisions, profitable innovation, and augmented strategy

I've had a great conversation with Michael Grace of Tech Pro Unicorn Podcast. Here are some of the topics we've covered:

Michael and Bruno geek out over how data can be used to make better decisions. They discuss the four categories of data and where they can be accessed by an organization.

Bruno and Michael talk about how companies can structure innovation programs to be profitable and long living. Why companies fail at innovation and tips to be successful.

To learn more about Augmented Strategy go to:

Augmented Strategy
How to combine human intuition with insights from data to make better strategic decisions, faster.

You can listen to the episode here or by using the player below:


Bruno Pešec

I help business leaders innovate profitably at scale.


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