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DNB awarded "Norway’s most innovative company"

When sincere effort is rewarded.

Bruno Pešec
Bruno Pešec
1 min read

InnoMag, leading Norwegian magazine on innovation, has announced DNB as Norway’s most innovative company. Truls Berg, jury leader and InnoMag's editor-in-chief, said:

We believe that this is by far Norway's most comprehensive overview of who is actually innovative in contrast to those who are only content to talk about innovation. We emphasize that the list only concerns Norwegian companies, but common to all on the list is that they are world-class when it comes to working actively with innovation.

DNB is Norway's largest financial services group with total combined assets of approx NOK 2 trillion. I was one of the three principal architects—alongside Vegard Dypås Hansen and Dan Toma—of the DNB Way of Innovation, an end-to-end innovation system based on reality.

Bank executive on the benefits of innovation system
Bruno Pešec was one of the three principal architects of the DNB Way of Innovation. Read what one executive has to say about it.

You can read full award announcements in Norwegian here and here.


Bruno Pešec

I help business leaders innovate profitably at scale.


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