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Bromides or values?

On doing as we say.

Bruno Pešec
Bruno Pešec
2 min read
Bromides or values?

Tough times shine true light on many things. After all, can you claim something is valued if you aren't willing to suffer for it; if you are ready to throw it away at the first sight of trouble; if you immediately yield when confronted by those whom you consider to be the authority?

Now is the time to show what you truly stand for. Demonstrate that your higher purpose means something to you. Don't use it as an alibi, but as a rallying point. If you endure you'll have something to be proud off, despite the final outcome.

Upcoming growth opportunities with Bruno:

September 22nd: How to uncover growth opportunities hidden in plain sight

Uncertain times provide an unique opportunity for those courageous enough to take it. Counter-intuitively, investing into existing and new products during times of crises actually strengthens your competitive advantage. That is, if you are able to meet the changing customer demand.

In 60 minutes we will:

  • dive into what differentiates high-earning firms from the rest,
  • consider an unsurprising, yet seldomly talked about, cause of losing market share, and
  • practice uncovering growth possibilities by looking at the three critical gaps.

By the end of the webinar you will have an analytical framework you can immediately apply in your organisation to identify growth opportunities.

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Corporate innovation webinar series by Bruno Pešec: How to uncover growth opportunities hidden in plain sight.
September 22nd: How to uncover growth opportunities hidden in plain sight.

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Bruno Pešec

I help business leaders innovate profitably at scale.


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