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On metaphors.

Bruno Pešec
Bruno Pešec
2 min read

Metaphors work because they create vivid mental images. Both thinking "inside" and "outside" of the box can be innovative. The trick is understanding what the box is.

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April 29: The Lean Startup: 10 Years Wiser

Join me and David Rasson (ING), Susana Jurado Apruzzese (Telefónica), Esther Gons (GroundControl), and Tristan Kromer (Kromatic), as we disscuss what have we learned in the last ten years. Sign-up here.

May 4: Demystifying strategic growth

Learn how to identify and exploit growth possibilities in your own organisation. Register here.

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Bruno Pešec

I help business leaders innovate profitably at scale.


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