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At what cost?

On unblocking yourself.

Bruno Pešec
Bruno Pešec
2 min read
At what cost?

If you find yourself toiling over a business issue or decision, ask yourself "What is the worst that can happen?" Entertain all answers, visualise them clearly in your mind, and notice how they make you feel. In most cases you'll find that there is only discomfort, which can be addressed easily. In other cases you'll have a clear sense of what to investigate next.

Upcoming growth opportunities with Bruno

October 15th: How to innovate during turbulent times? with Bruno Pešec

When the going gets tough, our mental defense mechanisms kick-in, and throw us into fight-or-flight mode. Given how often innovation initiatives fail, why should any organisation invest in them right now? And if they dare to invest, what can they do in order to avoid regretting their decision? In this talk we will discuss some of the best practices when it comes to innovating in challenging times.

November 26th: Fearless Innovation

We rarely fail due to others. In fact, most innovations fail due to shortcomings in our own processes, beliefs, and actions. Competition simply picks up the advantage.

Good news is that overcoming these shortcomings means taking a significant step towards owning your success. And that is why I’m organising this unique workshop.

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Bruno Unfiltered is a weekly newsletter bringing you Bruno's latest thoughts on contemporary topics in his signature style. No one and nothing is spared.


Bruno Pešec

I help business leaders innovate profitably at scale.


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