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Thank you!

Bruno Pešec
Bruno Pešec
1 min read

Allow me to take a moment to celebrate a minor milestone together with you: I've just had a hundredth—100th—media appearance published.

Over the years I've been doing podcasts and interviews, have given expert opinion on contemporary topics, and written columns for  professional publications.

I've strived to do so in a no-nonsense style, always focused on the applicable and practical, instead of opaque and esoteric. Your feedback suggests I've succeed on more than one occasion, although there have been some blunders here and there!

You can find (most) of my appearances listed here:

Bruno Pešec in the media
Bruno Pešec in various media outlets.

If you are looking specifically for podcasts, then head to

If you are interested in long-form interviews, head to

Thank you for your continued trust.

I hope you will continue benefiting from what I have to share on the matters of corporate innovation, strategy, and growth in the future as well.


Bruno Pešec

I help business leaders innovate profitably at scale.


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