Bruno Pešec in the media
Bruno Pešec in various media outlets.

- Why We Fear Innovation?
- HR World Magazine: Managing Innovation at Scale
- Building a Prototype the Customer Didn’t Believe: Bruno Pešec
- 066: Intelligent Innovation
- 067 Bruno Pešec: Fostering Innovation
- Corporate innovation and the Maverick Mindset
- EP232 Navigating the New Market Frontier - Bruno Pesec
- Episode 148: How Focusing on Strategic Growth Offer Solutions in Plain Sight and Improves Experiences
- Globalni stručnjak za inoviranje i strategiju za Euronews Srbija: Najbolji HR je nevidljiv
- Bruno Pešec of Pesec Global: How To Grow Your Business In A Challenging Economy
- Mastering Team Building and Project Management with Innovator Bruno Pesec
- Key Traits of Successful Innovators with Bruno Pesec
- Bruno Pešec Of Pesec Global On How To Leverage Data To Take Your Company To The Next Level
- Five Specific Practices For Profitable Innovation
- Bruno Pešec On The 5 Habits That Can Accelerate Product Development Cycles
- GA 485 | Lean, Change, and Reflexivity with Bruno Pesec
- Episode 27- The Business of Doing Art With Bruno Pesec
- E68 | How to Avoid the Biggest Innovation Mistakes
- Viable Innovation Teams
- Innovating for Profit: My Conversation with Bruno Pesec
- Corporate innovation: the maverick mindset
- I Asked 167 Successful Entrepreneurs How to Start a Business
- Bruno Pešec - Management Accountants as Partners (Not Roadblocks) to Innovation
- Bruno Pešec on The Big Don'ts of Corporate Innovation
- Leadership strategies for innovation with Bruno Pešec
- Innovation To Profits - Bruno Pešec
- Innovation Expert Bruno Pešec on How Corporate Innovators Can Manage Innovation
- Reasons Why ‘Solving Customer Problems’ Isn’t the Right Lens for B2B Customer Development Early on
- Bruno Pešec: Intuition + Insights + Data = Better Decisions
- The Politics of Corporate Innovation - Bruno Pešec
- Leading Innovation with Bruno Pešec – Episode 75
- The Secret To Profitable Innovation with Bruno Pešec
- Innovation-Driven Growth
- Ideas are Free
- Working on Self improvement Through Innovation with Bruno Pesec
- Profitable Innovation With Bruno Pešec
- Innovation to Profits
- A Survival Guide for Corporate Innovators
- Data Driven Decisions - Profitable Innovation - Augmented Strategy with Bruno Pesec
- Episode 37 Continuous Improvement in Plain Language with Bruno Pešec
- What exactly is an innovation strategy?
- Growth Execution Podcast #0361 - Bruno Pešec, Playing Lean
- EP 140: Disrupt the Disruptors - Innovation Culture Coding featuring Bruno Pešec
- MADE Cymru students welcome global innovator Bruno Pešec to their class
- Why Mavericks are not trouble makers
- How Can Traditional Banks Compete With Digital Challengers? With Bruno Pešec
- S03E006 - Bruno Pesec - Product Innovation
- Ep #39 - Lean for 2022 with Special Guest Bruno Pešec
- Bruno Pesec – Measuring the Performance of Innovation Strategy
- Lean Innovation: From Idea to Business Without Losing Your Shirt
- Behind The Numbers with Bruno Pesec
- Lean Innovation: From Idea to Business Without Losing Your Shirt
- Innovation Culture Coding featuring featuring Bruno Pesec: Disrupting the disruptors
- Leading with Innovation: Bruno Pesec
- Innovating Profitably In All Areas of Your Organization
- How CFOs contribute to their organization's reputational risk
- Profitable Corporate Innovation! with Bruno Pešec
- How to leverage your existing data to improve your decisions
- Bruno Pesec: (EP 47) Lean doesn’t start with a plan. It starts with what you want to learn & measure.
- Bruno Pešec of Norwegian Lean Startup Circle: “They grow revenue first, and then optimize processes as they’re moving”
- Bruno Pešec of Norwegian Lean Startup Circle: Five Things You Need To Create A Highly Successful Startup
- What is Business Traction and How to Get It?
- Making sense of innovation pipelines, funnels, and portfolios
- Small Business Tips for Getting Psyched Up for Big Business Opportunities
- Analysesjef: «Om DNB bare sluker Sbanken, vil det føre til kundeflukt»
- The 9 Don'ts of Corporate Innovation at Interlinks Podcast
- Što je kvaliteta u razvoju novih poslovnih ideja? (HDK website)
- Što je kvaliteta u razvoju novih poslovnih ideja? (HDK Glasilo)
- Making sense of innovation pipelines, funnels, and portfolios
- Innovators are rockstars, but they are people too!
- Bruno Pešec: “You say that there is no shortage of good ideas out there...”
- Iskusni poduzetnici i mentori vode timove do fonda od 35 tisuća kuna
- Iskusni poduzetnici i mentori vode timove do fonda od 35 tisuća kuna
- Meet The Inventors: Inventor Bruno Pešec, On How To Go From Idea To Store Shelf
- How to innovate during turbulent times? with Bruno Pešec
- GA 338 | Gamifying Lean with Bruno Pesec
- Hvordan drive innovasjon i krisetider?
- Non-Bullshit Innovation (really, this is really about non-bullshit innovation)
- “Visualize all the work” With Charlie Katz & Bruno Pešec
- Strike first, throw second
- We Spoke to Bruno Pešec of Pesec Global
- Bruno Pešec of Pesec Global: Five Things You Need To Be A Highly Effective Leader During Turbulent Times
- The power of visual thinking
- Get your idea funded by questioning power dynamics
- 13 Books You Need to Read When Starting A Business
- Patrick Daly Interlinks Podcast: Applying a Systems Approach to Innovation
- Is investing in innovation worth it?
- How Do You Answer “Tell Me About a Time You Failed”
- Create the future
- Better banking—everyday in everyway
- Bruno Pešec of Pesec Global: Giving Feedback; How To Be Honest Without Being Hurtful
- 18 Entrepreneurs Discuss Whether or Not There Will Be More Entrepreneurs in the Future
- The elusive innovation strategy
- What Tools Do Business Coaches Use?
- Biggest Lessons Small Business Owners Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Doing and managing innovation
- 13 Entrepreneurs Share What They Wish They Knew Before Launching
- 28 Entrepreneurs List Their Favorite Business Books
- 21 Entrepreneurs Share Their Thoughts on the Future of Entrepreneurship
- Overcoming Self Doubt – Episode 7 with Bruno Pešec
- Lean Startup in the Public Sector and beyond
- Startup Visionary Awards: Recognizing the Diversity Champions of the Founder Institute
- The Innovation Clinic
- Media City Bergen: Building Your Corporate Innovation Ecosystem
- Otovo-gründer lanserer oppfølger til «Lean Startup»-spill
- Er du gründer-materiale? Nytt akseleratorprogram som lar deg beholde jobben underveis
- Silicon Valley Startup Launch Program is Looking for Entrepreneurs in Oslo
- Games as a way to coach and teach lean thinking
- Using Lean Principles to learn about Start Ups
- Playing Lean: The game that teaches the Lean Startup!
- Studenti oduševljeni prezentacijom
- Studiraj i stekni iskustvo u Norveškoj, osiguraj posao u Đuri
- Preko Norveške do posla u Slavonskom Brodu
- Stipendistima praksa u Norveškoj i posao u Slavonskom Brodu
- Oni imaju sreće: Stipendija, stažiranje u Norveškoj pa siguran posao
- U Norveškoj za bolje učenje imaju i stol za ping-pong u učionici
- Uručene stipendije za studij i praksu u Norveškoj
- Uručene stipendije Đure Đakovića i norveškog Kongsberga
- Oni zaslužuju da pročitate njihova imena
- Pešec i Holjevac dobitnici stipendije Đuro Đakovića