Volume 3 · Issue 11 · November 2024
A monthly newsletter with the objective of helping leaders innovate profitably by providing them with best practices, models, and different perspectives.
On Perfecting the Craft
Experts are people who devote their lives to perfecting a specific craft. They take the time and are willing to pay the price of becoming better.
For the past two weeks I have been getting beaten up in Japan at a martial arts seminar led by the grandmaster of the federation I am part of. Rest assured, my participation is voluntary. :)
First few days were with many people from all over the world, whom had arrived to learn a specific style (“ryu ha”). On the morning of the first day we were taught twelve patterns, and after lunch all the black belts had their dan tests (“dan” is any black belt rank). I was “uke” (partner or assistant) to my sensei, whom had been grading for “godan” (fifth “dan”).