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Logical Fallacy

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Avoid stupid decisions: most common cognitive biases and logical fallacies

How can you improve your decision making skills? Webinar recording on exactly that topic.

Avoid stupid decisions: most common cognitive biases and logical fallacies
Members Public

Stay home, keep growing

My talks on product management and innovation at the "Stay home, keep growing" initiative.

Stay home, keep growing
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24 most common logical fallacies

School of Thought did an amazing job describing some of the most common logical fallacies in plain English. Study them and improve your thinking.

24 most common logical fallacies
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Faster horses fallacy

Innovator’s job is understanding customer’s needs as well as their current processes so they can innovate and create delightful products and services.

Faster horses fallacy
Members Public

False negatives and false positives

False negative is a result that appears negative when it should not, while false positive is a result that appears positive when it should not.

False negatives and false positives