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Taiichi Ohno's wisdom

Lessons from the grandmaster.

Taiichi Ohno's wisdom
Members Public

The value factory

Five ways to supercharge your innovation process using lean practices.

The value factory: Five ways to supercharge your innovation process using lean practices
Members Public

"That's obvious!"

Is it though?

Bruno Unfiltered
Members Public

On lean, change, and reflexivity

A conversation with Ron Pereira of Gemba Academy Podcast.

GA 485 | Lean, Change, and Reflexivity with Bruno Pešec
Members Public

Prioritising ideas is a waste of time

Focus on the flow.

Prioritising ideas is a waste of time
Members Public

On using plain language

A conversation with Bella Englebach of The Edges of Lean podcast.

On using plain language
Members Public

On innovation, learning, and competitive advantage

Disciplined learning = sustained competitiveness.

On innovation, learning, and competitive advantage
Members Public

On learning from Lean Experiments

Capture, analyse, interpret, decide, document.

On learning from Lean Experiments
Members Public

Test twice, run once

Practice safe experimentation.

Test twice, run once
Members Public

On Lean Innovation, Experimentation, and Learning

A conversation with Mark De Jong of The Lean Effect podcast.

On Lean Innovation, Experimentation, and Learning