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Puzzle fragments

An open invitation.

Bruno Pešec
Bruno Pešec
1 min read
Puzzle fragments

No matter what we do, our knowledge is always fragmented and incomplete.

We can run as many experiments as we want; gather as much data as we want; and theorise, model, and debate it until our hearts are content—we will still have an incomplete picture.

There will still be a missing piece of the puzzle.

Great decision makers collect all the puzzle pieces they need in order to make an informed guess how might a complete picture look like.

And then they make a decision.

That's why Isaak Tsalicoglou and I decided to start exploring puzzles we personally are interested in. Over the last three weeks I've shared three of our conversations:

More is to come soon.

We would love to hear what puzzle pieces you are interested in!

Feel free to comment below or write to me.

PodcastThe Puzzle PodcastInnovationStrategy

Bruno Pešec

I help business leaders innovate profitably at scale.


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