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On traditional banks, digital challengers, and disruption

When the worlds collide.

Bruno Pešec
Bruno Pešec
1 min read
On traditional banks, digital challengers, and disruption

I've sat down with Greg and Valentina of CX Insider Podcast to answer how can traditional banks compete with digital challengers.

Here is the episode summary:

This is not an easy question. Greg and Valentina interviewed Bruno Pešec, a business consultant, and compared the most significant obstructions traditional banks face on the journey of digitalization. Bruno talks in detail about the common causes for digital dropouts, the emphasis on psychological safety, and why traditional banks have lower customer satisfaction than their digital rivals.

You can listen to the episode here, or by using the player below:

PodcastInnovationStrategyCustomer Experience

Bruno Pešec

I help business leaders innovate profitably at scale.


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