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On corporate innovation and curiosity

A conversation with Judith Germain of the Maverick Paradox Magazine podcast.

Bruno Pešec
Bruno Pešec
1 min read
On corporate innovation and curiosity

A lost recording resurfaces! I've discussed corporate innovation, the importance of curiosity, and leadership  with Judith Germain of the Maverick Paradox Magazine in late 2019:

This is a conversation about how to use the Maverick Mindset in the context of corporate innovation. The leader’s job isn’t to have all the answers but allowing the space for innovation. Understanding the relationships to the systems and to the people, and separating ideas from people is extremely important.

Bruno is an insightful guest sharing his reflections on innovation, how to make it happen and how leaders can lead their teams via their curiosity. If you are looking to provide the right environment for innovation – this is a must listen.

You can listen here or using the player below:

P.S.: I've written "Why Mavericks are not trouble makers" and "A Survival Guide for Corporate Innovators" as follow-up articles.

PodcastInnovationPlaying LeanLeadership

Bruno Pešec

I help business leaders innovate profitably at scale.


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