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Nine big don'ts of corporate innovation

How to avoid wasting money on innovation by making smarter and better decisions.

Bruno Pešec
Bruno Pešec
1 min read
Nine big don'ts of corporate innovation

Corporate innovation is often costly and marred with failures to meet the management expectation. But it doesn't have to be that way.

I've worked with hundreds of innovators and executives, and I noticed certain costly mistakes that happen again and again.

Watch the webinar recording below to learn more about nine specific issues with corporate innovation and hear pragmatic advice on how to deal with them.

You can find recording, timestamps, and license information below.

Based on your feedback, I've written an ebook that you can download here.

Webinar recording

Webinar timestamps

Time Topic
04:10 #1 Don't invest in thoughts.
07:40 #2 Don't waste time prioritising ideas.
10:43 #3 Don't invest in orphan ideas.
13:30 #4 Don't invest too much, too early.
16:03 #5 Don't skip market development stage.
20:08 #6 Don't under invest.
22:50 #7 Don't forget that size matters.
27:20 #8 Don't forget to capture and share your learning.
35:00 #9 Don't base your decisions on money and time spent so far.
40:53 Summary of the 9 big dont's and their solutions.
47:55 Q&A: How can corporates adopt innovation accounting?
53:20 Q&A: What to do when the best people are unavailable to work on the innovation projects?
55:51 Q&A: Who is responsible for innovation in the company if the company doesn't have an innovation department?
58:28 Q&A: When documenting learning do you just include data, or also the method?


© 2021, Bruno Pešec. All rights reserved.


Bruno Pešec

I help business leaders innovate profitably at scale.


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