Invest in your innovation teams
Step out of the shadows.

People make ideas real.
In organisations, innovation teams develop ideas into new products, services, and ventures.
People within an innovation team work together towards a shared goal. They also share accountability and rewards.
Without innovation teams nothing will get develop.
No innovation will happen.
There is an interesting phenomenon I witnessed at multiple organisations:
informal "shadow" innovation teams.
Basically people coming together and working whenever they can on some idea that is supposedly a priority, yet no resources have been assigned to it.
These people often care about the idea, for whatever reason, and do their best to move it forward somehow.
While this might be seen as heroic, it is no recipe for repeatable and scalable innovation success.
There is process for establishing, operating, and disbanding high performing innovation teams.
Great majority of organisations would benefit by just investing a little bit in how they establish their innovation teams.
Here are resources they can use today:
- Five elements of viable innovation teams.
- Step-by-step process for establishing a viable innovation team.
- How to hold innovation teams accountable.
Investing in own innovation teams has another wonderful upside—it creates lasting competitive advantage.
Bruno Unfiltered
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