How to get the most out of the data you have right now
An eye-opening exercise.

Pause for a moment, and think about your specific situation.
What’s your role in the business right now?
How are you using data today to make a decision?
Be as sincere and specific as you can.
How else might you benefit from the data you already have?
Again, be as specific as you can.
Don’t worry about being technically correct—no one is going to grade your thoughts.
It’s all about thinking slightly differently, in order to see improvement possibilities hiding right under your nose.
Once you've answered the above two questions for your specific role or purpose it is time to go one step upstream.
What kind of data does the decision maker preceding you need to make a decision? How do they get it? How do they interpret and analyse it? What else could they do with the same data?
Now think one step downstream—what kind of data does a decision maker succeeding you need? How do they get it? How do they interpret and analyse it? What else could they do with the same data?
Keep exploring upstream and downstream until you have a complete end-to-end decision making journey. By the time you are finished I'm confident you will have identified—or we might even say stumbled upon—a number of opportunities.
Copyright © 2023 Bruno Pešec and Dominik Dellermann. All rights reserved.
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