Best Norwegian snacks
Enjoy responsibly!

What is Norway known for?
Snow? Fjords? Northern lights? Pension fund? Salmon?
How about snacks?
Because I have to tell you—some of the best chocolates and crisps I've eaten are Norwegian.
My top five recommendations, in no particular order are:
- Totenflak crisps. The best ones I ever had. Golden, crunchy, curly, salty, and, you can actually taste the potato—which are all from Toten region. My taste buds detected a slight drop in quality since the acquisition, but since that was only one bag, it might've been a defective outlier.
- "Verdens tynneste" Sørlands chips. My second favourite Norwegian crisps (OK, this list might be in order). The one with sea salt (havsalt) is good, but this one, with sea salt and pepper is even better. Large, brown-gold flakes with nice crunch, and punchy flavour.
- Troika. I hate marzipan. This chocolate bar has three layers: raspberry jelly, truffle, and marzipan. And I love it. Enough said. As a student I remember touring Nidar confectionery factory in Trondheim where I was given a sizeable box of "defective" chocolates and candy. Although it was meant for all the students, I think I ate 70% of it.
- Peanøtt kubbe. There was a time I really liked Snickers. Now? Only peanøtt kubbe. Rich chocolate encasing with peanut shards gently hugs another chocolate shell, which in turn holds delightful peanut paste. I'm a disciplined man, but I always finish it in six bites.
- Kvikk lunsj. Crunchy wafers covered in delectable Freia chocolate. Perhaps the most Norwegian snack. Whenever I take a bite of it one of my hairs becomes blonder and I feel a sudden urge to scale the closest mountain.
I was not paid or sponsored in any way to write this post, although I would be more than happy to receive boxes of the above.
Bruno Unfiltered
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