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Are you in control of your decisions?

Own your success.

Bruno Pešec
Bruno Pešec
1 min read
Are you in control of your decisions?

The only thing we are in control is ourself.

Why then, should we delegate to others to make our own decisions?

Inaction, maladroitness, ignorance, complacency, indifference...

All of these have an easy fix: deciding to take control of your own decision making.

That doesn't mean you will suddenly start making the best decisions of your life.

And that independence comes at a cost.

Now you are in charge of learning how to make better decisions, better.

That includes understanding your own biases, mental models, and preconceptions.

Luckily there is plenty of material on that out there, a single search or library away.

Heck, I wrote several pieces on that myself:

Are you willing to pay the price of independence?

And, more importantly, are you ready to enjoy the results that follow?


Bruno Pešec

I help business leaders innovate profitably at scale.


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