Puzzle fragments III
A reflective interlude.

Isaak and I have been discussing tough business questions "in the open" since last October. We created a little sandbox for us by defining three simple boundaries: (1) focus on practical questions, (2) speak from personal experiences, and (3) limit the conversation to ten minutes.
At that time we felt that "puzzles" is an apt metaphor for our joint exploration. Reflecting on the past nine episodes I begin to wonder if we are examining puzzle pieces from the same puzzle box or if we are in fact dealing with multiple puzzle boxes:
- Episode 7: Are more customers always a good thing?
- Episode 8: How to foster continuous improvement in an R&D team?
- Episode 9: How to recognise latent potential?
- Episode 10: How to have a productive conflict?
- Episode 11: How to integrate customer feedback into your product?
- Episode 12: How to make good decisions in product development?
- Episode 13: How to turn a stagnating project around?
- Episode 14: How to move fast without breaking things?
- Episode 15: Is company a family?
Either way, here are questions we plan to tackle next:
- Is every invention an innovation?
- Why should anyone buy your product?
- How to stress-test a business plan?
- Why won't my team innovate?
- Is change management still a thing?
- How do large language models impact development projects?
And perhaps a more thorough reflection episode would be warranted as well!
P.S. Email me if you have a topic that you'd like us to discuss.
Bruno Unfiltered
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