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On the cost of ideas

A conversation with Lorraine Ball of the More than a Few Words podcast.

Bruno Pešec
Bruno Pešec
1 min read
On the cost of ideas

I've recently discussed the importance of spending ideas instead of money with Lorraine Ball of the More than a Few Words podcast:

What is the difference between an thought and an idea.  It is not just semantics according to my guest Bruno Pesec. A thought is something fleeting. It becomes an idea when you write it down and start formulating a process to bring it to life.

Ideas are free, but the time and resources required to bring them to life are not. So before you pull the trigger on that idea you need to think about the value of the idea. Who will it serve, how does it fit into your business and what will it take to bring that idea to reality?

You can listen the episode here, or using the player below:


Bruno Pešec

I help business leaders innovate profitably at scale.


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