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On burning innovation budgets

Value destruction galore.

Bruno Pešec
Bruno Pešec
1 min read
On burning innovation budgets

Nine surefire ways to absolutely waste your innovation budget:

  1. Investing in thoughts.
  2. Wasting time prioritising ideas.
  3. Investing in orphan ideas.
  4. Investing too much, too early.
  5. Skipping the market development stage.
  6. Under investing.
  7. Forgetting that size matters.
  8. Failing to document your learning.
  9. Confusing the amount of money spent so far as a valid argument for further investment.

You can learn more how to avoid expensive innovation mistakes by reading the following ebook:

9 Big Don’ts of Corporate Innovation
How to spot and avoid costly innovation mistakes.

Bruno Pešec

I help business leaders innovate profitably at scale.


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