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On accessibility

Make expertise known.

Bruno Pešec
Bruno Pešec
1 min read
On accessibility

How can an organisation claim expertise in something if their experts are barely reachable islands in an alternate pocket dimensions?

Beware, spoiler forthcoming.

It can't.

People are experts.

If an organisation wants to benefit from the expertise of its own people, then appropriate structures, systems, and spaces need to be put in place.

The larger the organisation, the more important those are.

Experts' expertise needs to be communicated.

Peoples' needs need to be communicated.

Organisations' priorities need to be communicated.

Then those who can offer expertise and those that need expertise can match on their own—in the service of furthering their common goal.

Simple and yet so difficult in practice.


Bruno Pešec

I help business leaders innovate profitably at scale.


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