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Learn to innovate with what you have

On using scarcity to fuel creativity.

Bruno Pešec
Bruno Pešec
1 min read
Learn to innovate with what you have

You might feel like you don't have the right people, enough money, or time, or some other resource, to succeed with innovation. And while this scarcity might make your life a bit more difficult, do not despair.

Wright brothers were the first people to fly (and survive the landing), despite their background and lack of resources. Samuel Langley, their contemporary, had everything he desired at his disposal---money, top talent, and right connections.

Both tried to invent machines that would take us to the skies. You must've heard about the former. It is unlikely that you heard about the latter. That's because he failed, regardless of all the resources he had.

Take following two to heart, and turn scarcity into a competitive advantage:

Constraints foster creativity—why not use them to your advantage?


Bruno Pešec

I help business leaders innovate profitably at scale.


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