Cookbook fallacy
Recipes are for the kitchen.

One of the worst things I see again and again and again is treating popular innovation and strategy frameworks like they are cookbooks with linear recipes.
That rarely works as intended.
Buying some certificates, frameworks, and nicely stamped papers doesn't magically install new way of work in the organisation.
Methodological supermarkets are a marketing sham.
People in the organisation must put in the work. There are no shortcuts. No cheat codes. Experts like myself can be of great help, but we are primarily here to augment the employees, not supplant them.
Here is a healthy way to deal with frameworks, old and new.
Study them; understand their provenance. Use the as inspiration, a springboard for your own creativity. You know your organisation and challenges best. Who better than you to figure out what else you need to figure out!
Once you identify specific issues you want to address you can go shopping.
Trust me, that way you'll get much more bang for your buck.
Bruno Unfiltered
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