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Applying a systems approach to innovation

On innovation, strategy, systems thinking, martial arts, and more with Patrick Daly on his Interlinks podcast.

Bruno Pešec
Bruno Pešec
1 min read
Applying a systems approach to innovation

I've had the pleasure of discussing innovation, strategy, systems thinking, martial arts, and more with Patrick Daly on his Dublin South 93.9 FM Interlinks programme:

Today we will be talking to Bruno Pesec, engineer, innovator and businessman. Bruno, as a Croatian based in Norway, is a true example of the potential of an integrated Europe to provide opportunity, creativity and value across geographical and cultural boundaries. In Bruno’s work as a consultant, he draws on his extensive international experience to help business leaders to adopt and apply a systems approach to innovation and process improvement in situations where there are no easy, cookie-cutter solutions to challenges. These are the kinds of approaches that forward-looking businesses are adopting more and more in these times of complex, unstructured, and unforeseen change as they try to innovate and implement strategies that will help them to survive and thrive in the future.

You can listen or download the podcast.


Bruno Pešec

I help business leaders innovate profitably at scale.


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