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A year of advice on innovation attitudes and behaviours

Summaries of The Innovator's Attitude™ 2022 issues.

Bruno Pešec
Bruno Pešec
2 min read
A year of advice on innovation attitudes and behaviours

Succeeding with innovation requires shifts in attitude, perception, and behaviour.

And that's exactly the focus of The Innovator's Attitude™ monthly newsletter!

You can find the summaries of 2022 issues below:

  • Issue 1: On Relentless Pursuit of Value. Value creation is what makes invention and innovation different. Successful innovators understand that they must make a meaningful impact to their customers.
  • Issue 2: On Connecting the Dots. Companies don't innovate. Innovators do. Ideas don't materialise out of thin air. In fact, some of the best ideas appear at the intersection of personal experience and noticing something few others have.
  • Issue 3: On Good Ideas. Innovation is all about transforming ideas into value (money, benefits, positive outcomes). But not all ideas are equal. In fact, generating hundreds of ideas is a trivial matter—all you need is a team of five, a sentence, and 30 minutes to generate 150 ideas.
  • Issue 4: On Curiosity. Asking questions with genuine intent to learn is a wonderful way to reduce uncertainty, create more innovative solutions and business models, and live a more fulfilled life.
  • Issue 5: On Being A Reflective Innovator. Proclivity for action is great. But if you wish to increase the likelihood of repeating your own successes and avoiding failures, then you ought to practice critical reflectivity as well.
  • Issue 6: The Art and Science of Lean Experimentation. What exactly is value? What are people willing to pay for? How will we build it? The questions are endless. Assuming we know the answers can be devastating: from failed product launches, to tanked careers to unprecedented value destruction.
  • Issue 7: On Learning the Hard Way. Five lessons from personal failure.
  • Issue 8: On Innumerable Pathways to Value Creation. Without strategy all pathways look alike. With strategy some pathways are more aligned than others. Life is too short to tread ill ground.
  • Issue 9: On Innovating at Scale. What’s more important: the process of transforming an idea into business or how the above process happens in an organisation?
  • Issue 10: On Paying Attention. The best ideas are spotted; observed; recognised. They are not engineered or machined in some artificial idea lab where people are forced to come up with the “future.”

The Innovator's Attitude™ newsletter is published on the first of every month. It is freely available, alongside many other strategy and innovation resources, to the subscribers.


Bruno Pešec

I help business leaders innovate profitably at scale.


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