
Feeling the burn? Crushing weight of the system? Oppressive gaze of the all-seeing eye? Have you considered retreating and recuperating? It’s a valid tactic. Just make sure to deploy it at the right time.

Upcoming growth opportunities with Bruno

March 30: B2B Innovation

How to build products businesses want? Étienne Garbugli, the author of Lean B2B, will join me for this special webinar, and we will take a deep dive into the peculiarities of innovating in the B2B space. Sign-up here.

Three latest posts

It’s a matter of priority
Reframe your thinking.
Quick ‘n’ dirty idea assessment
Five steps to ensure you are working on the right thing.
Embrace the bias
On agency.

Bruno Unfiltered is a weekly newsletter bringing you Bruno's latest thoughts on contemporary topics in his signature style. No one and nothing is spared.