Credible promises

Why should your prospective customers trust you? What makes your claims believable? Is what you say and what you do congruent? Would your existing customers vouch for you? What would they say about your ability to keep a promise?

Upcoming growth opportunities with Bruno

90-day Innovation Management support: I’ll help you design, enhance, and implement innovation strategy and system, with a weekly call and unrestricted email. This is not a regular offering of mine, and it’s intended to help leaders like you during crunch time. I have limited slots available, write to me at to secure yours.

Three latest posts

On learning from mistakes
A conversation with Mark Graban of the My Favorite Mistake podcast.
The Puzzle Episode 11
How to integrate customer feedback into your product?
What will you do about it?

Bruno Unfiltered is a weekly newsletter bringing you Bruno's latest thoughts on contemporary topics in his signature style. No one and nothing is spared.