
The only way to understand more is through continuous effort to understand more.

That involves reading broadly, listening eclectically, and engaging ideas fearlessly.

In this age, ignorance is a choice.

Upcoming growth opportunities with Bruno

March 2: Nine big don'ts of corporate innovation

I've worked with hundreds of innovators and executives, and I noticed expensive mistakes that happen again and again. Now I'll share them with you—as well as concrete tactics on how to address them. Last chance to register!

March 31 & April 1: Remote Playing Lean Facilitator Training

Learn how to use Playing Lean—an award winning board game—to deliver amazing Lean Startup workshops and become a certified Playing Lean Facilitator. The training is split over two evenings, and you can purchase the ticket here.

Three latest posts

Draw your way to a better decision
Thinking beyond the cave.
How to define a fail or success condition for your Lean experiment
Help yourself make the right decision.
Dare to dream
It’s for adults, too!

Bruno Unfiltered is a weekly newsletter bringing you Bruno's latest thoughts on contemporary topics in his signature style. No one and nothing is spared.